Deskripsi Pekerjaan
- Minimal Lulusan D3 / S1 Teknik Mesin.
- Mampu Mengoperasikan program Autocad 2D/3D, Solidworks, dan Mastercam.
- Memiliki Pengalaman dalam mengoperasikan mesin CNC.
- Mampu membaca gambar teknik.
- Mampu menggukan alat ukur dengan baik.
- Mudah beradaptasi dengan budaya di lingkungan perusahaan.
- Sehat fisik dan rohani.
PT. Rollent Indonesia was established in 2006 and located in Gresik, East Java, Indonesia. PT. Rollent Indonesia is a company running its business in conveyor system and components using localized production in Indonesia. We are willing to be the leading conveyor specialist company in the world and thus making efforts in the constant research and the improvement of conveyor products quality.\r\n\r\nAs a result of these efforts, various types of rollers that can be used according to the facility features have been developed, some of them already have patents approved and many others are in the process, and their capacities such as smooth rolling, strong solidness and their unique sealing devices are showing their real values. Products that we have made namely roller, stand and pulley and branded ROLLENT have excellent quality.\r\n\r\nOur products comply with universal standards : JIS, DIN, CEMA, and ISO. And has been supplied satisfactorily to industries, such as : Mining, Cement, Pulp & Paper, Fertilizer, Quarry, Steel, Glass & Ceramics, and Power Plant.\r\n\r\nPT. Rollent Indonesia will do its best for the production of competitive products with excellent quality. We highly appreciate the customers who have been liberal in the interest and support until the day of today PT. Rollent Indonesia , and we ask the customers much interest in and consideration of us PT. Rollent Indonesia company, who are making efforts in the development of new products which opens the future of distribution business. Thus our VISION is to be the leading company in conveyor specialist in the world. Our MISSION is to produce conveyor products with excellent quality to fulfill customer\'s demand and also to improve continually the technology of production in constant research.\r\n\r\nOur vision is Perfect, Excellent and The Best of The World.